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Trump to FINALLY end UKRAINE WAR?! Putin AGREES | Nightly Offensive
➤ FOLLOW OUR NEW YOUTUBE: ➤ DESCRIPTION: Big news today as former President Donald Trump has reportedly taken steps to end the ongoing conflict in Ukraine - sources suggest that his approach and negotiations have led to a breakthrough, potentially bringing peace to the region, and maybe even bringing Trump himself to Russia, or even Putin to the US? All this and more on tonight's episode of NIGHTLY OFFENSIVE! __ ⇩ SHOW SPONSORS⇩ ➤ Nutronics Labs: | USE PROMOCODE: SLIGHTLYOFFENSIVE | ➤ Van Man: Vanman Co. is the go-to source for all-natural, non-toxic and chemical free products -- from creams to deodorant, soap and mouthwash, Vanman Co. is one of the only companies to deliver on quality without cutting corners when it comes to your health and well-being. Go to and use promocode ELIJAH for 10% OFF! ➤ Locals: ➤BOOKINGS + BUSINESS INQUIRIES: MIKE@SLIGHTLYOFFENSIVE.COM
Feb 14th, 2025