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TACS 028
Monday's show kicks off with Anthony telling us about his trip to Brooklyn for The Corrigan Show and the good and bad that came along with his appearance. Ant reads a story about a penis transplant, shows us a variety of animal cocks, talks vaginal meshes, and we hear from the (exhausting) callers. We watch a news clip from Alaska, see a video from a triple breasted woman, and learn that later in the show a lucky winner will get unblocked by Ant on Twitter. Ant then reads a few more submissions for this very promotion, gets into race due to a Colin Kaepernick news item, and Dr. Steve calls in to help explain the tri-tit gal we heard about earlier. India introduces their first transgender news reader, we discuss hate crimes, and Ant recaps the show he went to at Governor's Comedy Club on Friday. After a few more callers chime in, the show ends by reading more sticker request letters and with @RaisingLight being unblocked by Anthony thanks to Ticket University.
Sep 22nd, 2014