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TACS 029
We start the show talking about the US airstrikes in Syria, see an amateur video of the "new war," Ant talks about how war used to go down in the "old days," and we see some war related clips. The one and only Ozzy Osbourne calls in and they chat about the things they have in common, his friendship with Jim Norton, and what he's working on now and upcoming. Ant tells us a Tim Sabean story, engages in some "stock talk," and we see a video of people waiting on line for a new iPhone and the cops that ruin it all. (Kidding KtC.) We watch an INCREDIBLE video of "Maude," one on instant justice, a video showing how police are treated with people toting cell phones, and one starring Wendell Pierce from Bill Maher's show. We then view a clip of Obama showing a blatant lack of respect and find out who the newest lucky bastard is to get unblocked by Ant thanks once again to Ticket University. Ant wraps up the show talking about a guy from New Delhi and showing us a video about a man who suffers fr
Sep 23rd, 2014