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TACS 048
Ant joins the viewers to chat about his feelings on last night's finale of Boardwalk Empire, he brings up the "wiki leak" on Michael Brown, gives us an update about Paltalk, and we hear from former intern "Love Buzz." Ant calls TJ Sotomayor to talk about social media stalkers, YouTube censorship, how being labeled can discredit your opinion, and the truth behind ethnic stereotypes. They also talk about racial commercials, boarder issues, rights versus opportunity, and saving people in the community. Ant takes some calls (WHYYYY????) which leads him into conversations about fake laughs/real laughs, Boardwalk Empire, Jason Ellis, and "open season on white guys." We see a video of a roast beef twat, go through Monday's mail, and he wraps up today's show talking about erection cream and by showing us a video of a de Blasio translator.
Oct 27th, 2014