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TACS 051
We start by hearing that Mayor Menino has died for real this time, Ant waxes about the prank they pulled at WAAF, and we see clips of Mushmouth Menino at his finest. Ant then jumps right into an oral sex story, we hear about the upcoming poker tournament, see a video of how Governor Christie handles a heckler, learn that Tim Cook is gay, and we watch a Dennis Miller/Norm MacDonald clip. Ant conveys his excitement for his "Jaws themed" Halloween party, goes through a list of "distasteful" Halloween costumes, and the lovely callers chime in. The one and only Iron Sheik calls to discuss the roast he's hosting at Carolines on Broadway and to talk about all of the jabroni's that will be in the house, and then for the love of god (WHYYY?), Ant takes some more calls. We get a little "#TBT" action, see a throwback clip, and the show ends by talking about an article of a woman being "cat called."
Oct 30th, 2014