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TACS 067
The free week wraps up with Jim Norton and Anthony in studio discussing yesterday's show with Jenny Hutt and Dr. Steve, Jimmy's Vice show, his upcoming comedy special, and the goings-on in Ferguson. Lady Di calls in (and gets hung up on), they hear from a few other callers, talk about the Cosby situation, and how dirty they personally like women to be. We see an old school video of an airport shooting, go through the mail, Chip tells us about his new movie, the boys talk about sexting, having girlfriends (or lack thereof), and we listen to Pat O'Brien's "sexy" voicemails. They then go through some more mail, debate hairy box, and give the ladies a PSA on toilet paper. The guys then cover how social media and texting has changed relationships, anonymous postings on-line, people taking things out of context, the ability to ruin a live via social media, and they end with a couple more calls.
Nov 26th, 2014