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Today's show begins with a little venting session about not getting an invite to Chris Rock's new movie premiere (which Ant has a part in), talking about some of the "Eric Garner protests" that took place last night, and going through facts surrounding the case and how people are ignoring them. Comedian Dave Russo calls in to tell us he'll be at the comedy show at Mohegan Sun this weekend, the guys talk about playing poker, other poker players, and the use of the word "cunt." A listener calls in with an opposing view on the Eric Garner situation, we see a news video highlighting how misinformed people are, talk about what a piece of shit Reverend Al is, and discuss when the right and wrong time to apologize is. We "move on to hotness" with a twerk video, old school Showtime Aerobicise clips, and with a Japanese jerk off egg. Ant then get into the tree lighting in NYC, tells us he's now following MC Hammer and Yakov Smirnoff on Twitter, and we see a video of a pregnant (dead) shark. We're treated to a horrendous song about Hillary Clinton, see a "meat beat" video, watch a clip of Jon Stewart ranting about the Eric Garner case, and talk about consequences that should effect all bad people regardless of race. **Don't forget to tune in tomorrow when Ant will be live from Mohegan Sun!
Dec 04th, 2014