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TACS 089
Wednesday's show starts by discussing the Islamic terror attack on the satirical French publication Charlie Hebdo, the news hypocrisy surrounding what happened, and we watch a few despicable clips regarding this incident. After we hear from a few of the charming callers, Adam Carolla calls in to talk about Ant's upcoming appearance on his show, they chat about being able to speak openly on your own podcast, and the standards people are held to these days. They also discuss the Charlie Hebdo attack, the media, and the black community regarding suppression, access, and acknowledging the truth. Ant voices his hate for staying at people's houses, we see how ghoulish Joe Biden is, see a creepy game show dude, and Ant tells us how he woke up early and listened to OandJ. We get an update from Bobo on his UPS job, watch a firework plant explosion, see a couple of clips on how NOT to handle a gun, hear about a naked gal stuck in a chimney, watch the trailer for the new Bruce Willis movie "Vice," and Ant ends the show with a DUI checkpoint video from Florida.
Jan 07th, 2015