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TACS 093
Wednesday's show starts with Ant blaming the Legion of Skanks Podcast for waking up with a hacking cough, he talks about the difference in podcasting methods, and shows us a clip of the ladies from "The Talk" laughing about a wife who chopped her husband's cock off. Anthony then debates double standards, the lack of being able to have open and honest discussions, shows us Miley Cyrus's new nude picture, and talks about the irony of the NFL's new PSA ads. Ant moves to the poker table with Nick DiPaolo to discuss how being "PC" differs in the UK vs America, the lack of journalistic integrity, and the guys bond over their love of Jews. They watch Nancy Grace debating 2 Chainz on pot, talk about social media's ability to take lie and run with it, people who choose entertainment over news, Ohio State's "celebration" after a football game, liberal media, and commercials that emasculate men. They also talk about double standards when it comes to honesty in comedy, Patrice O'Neal, the importance of timing in comedy, they revisit the Ohio State clip, and wax about the militarization of the police. We hear all about Nick's prostate, Ant then gets so worked up talking about consent and optics that he pulls a Colin Quinn, and the boys wrap up by talking about drone technology.
Jan 14th, 2015