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TACS 116
Today we hear about Ant's trip to the city for the premiere of Colin Quinn's "Cop Show," he talks about his Twitter convo from last night regarding net neutrality, debates the topic a bit, the callers and staff join in on the discussion, and we find out what Jesse Ventura thinks about it as well. Terry Schappert Skypes in to TACS to talk about his show "Dude, You're Screwed" on Discovery TV, primal instincts, Anthony tells us about an adventure he had hiking, and they chat about small victories feeling huge when you're out of your element. We see the new glorious mail that was sent in, get a weather report, take a look at Ant's old poker chips, talk about the possibility of an international TACS broadcast, and hear from an international caller as well as one that sparks a conversation about kids before marriage. Another caller tells us about a mystery tunnel found in Toronto, we hear a news report about a UFO crash in Canada, a caller brings up Opie and once again Anthony explains his thoughts on the situation, and he then talks about internet criticism and how exhausting it becomes to wax on the same on-line topics. Ant also tells us about his Q and A on Huffington Post, talks about that shitbag Rev Al having his MSNBC show switched to weekends only, brings up Al's long history of pointless lawsuits, and reminds everyone to hurry and send in their entries for the "Most Offensive Song" contest.
Feb 24th, 2015