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TACS 118
Ya may want to fast forward to 2:24 - no audio till then! Sorry. -Rat After a some slight technical difficulties, TACS begins with a song from The Amish Outlaws, we learn that net neutrality was voted on and passed, Ant puts on his tinfoil hat to vent his ill feelings about it, and a caller attempts to explain the pros that net neutrality will bring. We take it back to The Amish Outlaws for a couple more songs, find out where they'll be performing next, and get the backstory on how the band formed. After a few more calls filled with thoughts on net neutrality, Gavin McInnes comes in studio and admits he's now scared of black women and gays, the guys talk about the culture of riffing, discomfort in the workplace due to what people find offensive, career killers, cancer loving Keith Olbermann, and Twitters "social justice warriors." Ant talks about H1Z1 (he might be obsessed), they discuss money grubbing Al Sharpton and his mob tactics, Gavin shows us a video of a PPA Rally, they talk grass roots campaigns, the NRA, predicted gun versus automobile death stats, people's fascination with communism, and today's youth being complete pussies. Ant and Gavin shit on Rat's virginity, they chat about sexual positions, fucking old broads, Fox News developing a new weekend show for Greg Gutfeld, male guilt, agenda driven programming, religion and people's varying ideology, and Gavin praises TACS for its creativity and content.
Feb 26th, 2015