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TACS 154
A flustered Ant tell us about bad Beavis, gets into Baltimore coverage by looking at a Geraldo news clip, Shepard Smith's excitement, seeing a disappearing arrest act, and we find out "thug" is now a bad word. We watch Gavin McInnes's new video, Anthony talks about accepting police help, debunking stats, Gray's lawyer William Murphy suggesting that running from the cops is ok, and Ant suggests making some changes and looking at facts. KtC reminds everyone that TACS website will have outage over the weekend, we get an Apple Watch update from Rat, and Ant relocates to the table of the stars to meet with Colin Flaherty. Ant and Colin discuss people's fear of speaking their mind, a firing over at AT&T, the word "courageous" have no weight, victimization in the black community, hypocrisy in reporting, myths in mantras, cooking the books, cop harassment, and racial reporting. They also talk about addressing commonality, excuses versus accountability, Colin explains the title of his book "Don't Make the Black Kids Angry," the guys conversate about people that think violence is fine, excuses, "white racism," religious leaders, open and honest dialect, rushing to judgement, and why it's taking so long to find out what happened to Freddy Gray's spine. We look at a news story regarding a possible "race fight," the guys chat up racial division in police departments, politicians finger pointing in communities, standing up to scrutiny, racial discrimination lawsuits, using the past as an excuse, profiling, and they wrap up on the of topic of changing people's denial.
Apr 29th, 2015