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TACS 159
Another TACS week comes to an end with a recap of yesterday's show with Chris Hansen, Ant talks about virtual headsets, Larry David, virtual reality integrating into your reality, Disney, and we see a lovely #TBT picture. Anthony recalls Eddie Murphy in the 80's and plays Eddie's new music video, we take a look at part of a sketch from Amy Schumer, see "elevator guy," hear charges were dropped on a hot teacher in a teen sex case, the callers join the party, and Ant moves to the poker table to meet Chuck C. Johnson. The guys talk about Chuck's schooling, his industry backstory, starting his website, Andrew Breitbart, the media taking themselves too serious, trolling Twitter, getting help from social media, and the Fox News misreporting story. They get into the right versus the left, offending others ideology, predictability, Hillary Clinton, talking about taboo topics, handling stories with kid gloves, "rape culture," playing off of the "outrage machine," emotion taking over facts, the credibility of new journalism, and Chuck talks about having the freedom to take risks. Chuck then tells us what he's researching currently, they discuss the media dehumanizing people, loss of privacy, crossing party lines, lies in stats, the way folks view government, Mike Huckabee, and people's fear of talking.
May 07th, 2015