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TACS 459

Anthony kicks off the new week talking about election night jitters, Arianna Huffington, Trump's pilots, Anthony's donation to the Trump campaign and Louis C.K.'s reaction to it, Robert De Niro's thoughts on Trump, and Bob's speech from the HFA. We revisit creepy Joe Biden, discuss a pedo Wikileak, the Podesta e-mails, "pedophile island," a new subway death, non-citizen voting, Ant talks about daylight savings time, a pizza robbery gone beyond wrong, Ted Nugent getting crotchety, and Anthony promises to "tell all" in the new year regarding December 2015. We find out the latest with the My Pillow guy, hear about a state trooper with pliers, see Hitler's girl's panties (?!), Ant talks about Janet Reno's death, the latest polls, his newest gaming addition, a staged crime scene shoot, and the shitty media. Ant ends the day waxing on Westworld and strange looking gals, we hear from a few callers

Nov 07th, 2016

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