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TACS is back with Anthony discussing his 4-day Memorial Day weekend shenanigans, a caller brings up terrorism, Ant talks about urban gangs versus terrorists, and we hear Rosie O'Donnell's thoughts on Trump fans. Artie Lange makes his way into the studio and the guys talk about AIDS and leprosy, former presidents pulling pussy, Tiger Woods getting a DUI, their own mug shots, doing blow, "Santa" Artie, HBO's Crashing, Robert DeNiro, and Donald Trump getting a fair chance. They chat about father/daughter fuckers, a N-bomb loving "pioneer" in the Hamptons, learning from cop shows, fatty sex on Facebook, Kathy Griffin being ohh so edgy, Kennedy being a fuck bunny, blowjobs (for coke), and Artie's fourteen second hooker transactions. They wrap up chatting about old racist TV, "That Certain Summer," Artie hanging out with Ed Asner, a teacher voting a student "likely to become a terrorist."
May 30th, 2017