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T REX arm bar a goblin and Save the babies
Dusty Heads to Melbourne for "Save the Babies Rally" In this vid, Dusty hits Melbourne- famous for a few things: heavy-handed cops during the COVID lockdowns, and a growing crowd of Marxists and woke goblins. Back in 2008, Victoria became the first state in Oz to legalize full-term abortion, kicking off the pro-life resistance. Ever since, "Save the Babies" rally has been a yearly tradition. Dusty catches up with Bernie Finn, (Family First Senate candidate and the bloke behind the rally) to chat about the ongoing fight for life. He also has a yarn with Nick Patterson, ex-MMA fighter and founder of the Australian Peacemakers. Stick around 'til the end to see Nick T-Rex arm bar a goblin Marxist--absolute cracker to watch in person! Big shout-out to Tim Wilms for the Melbourne tour and BENNY from Australia Talks for filming the day. Follow Australian Peacemakers:
Oct 15th, 2024